
Entry (1/3)1  Toamasina
Elementary words  2  toa, masina
Part of speech  3  name (toponym) [Full list]
Examples  4  Tsy mihoatra an' toamasina mianatsimo na oviana na oviana ny sambolay! [2.471]
5  Vao vita kelikely ny lalam-by Antananarivo-toamasina, dia nasiany sampana avy ao Moramanga mankany amoron' Alaotra. [2.472]
Vocabulary  6  Geography: towns

Entry (2/3)7  Toamasina
Elementary words  8  toa, masina
Part of speech  9  name (toponym) [Full list]
Explanations in French  10  [3.1] nom français: Tamatave
Vocabulary  11  Geography: towns

Entry (3/3)13  Toamasina
Part of speech  14  name (toponym) [Full list]
Explanations in Malagasy  15  [3.1] iray amin'ny faritany enina eto Madagasikara. Misy faritra telo ao anatiny: Analanjirofo, Alaotra Mangoro, Atsinanana
Vocabulary  16  Politique
Tables and plates  23  The six provinces
24  25 

Anagrams  26  amotsiana, anamatosy, Toamasina

Updated on 2025/01/21